Saturday, 25 October 2008

How the left debates, part 112

Usual behavour from the usual suspects, here. There is a certain schadenfreude at a socialist minister getting a taste of his own medicine, but this post is about the extremist(s) who assaulted him. Some prize quotes:

We threw the pie because we didn't want to engage in debate
Evidently. When did the Left ever engage in rational debate with its enemies? Instead, far better to chant mindless slogans and physically attack your opponents. Actual debate, and reason, exposes you to contrary viewpoints, which cannot, ever, be tolerated.

What he was spouting were right wing anti-immigration policies. The danger is that people like him are making such views mainstream.
What planet is this loony on? Does he/she/it really believe that a cap on immigration is not a mainstream political opinion? I know they are extreme leftist students, but do they actually interact with people in the real world? Oh, I think I answered my own question there.

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