Monday, 27 October 2008

The dinosaur Left

This article is ludicrous enough, the sort of socialist nonsense which the fifty-year old Guardianistas will lap up in a nostalgic remembrance of the 1980s. The most laughable stuff is in the comments though.

This one from "mrbuttons" is a joy:

Capitalism is clearly collapsing under the weight of its own contradictions. Now we need the ownership of the means, distribution and exchange of production in the hands of the proletariat. This means a complete state run economy adopted by every country, headed by socialist governments committed to internationalism. This will mean that we can achieve a society where a surgeon or engineer is paid the same amount as a binman or cleaner.
If you pay a surgeon the same amount as a binman or a cleaner, you will end up with a binman as a surgeon. Don't get ill, mrbuttons.

Though I assume that given the many, many references to 'proletariat' and 'workers' in your post you are a middle-class student, so under any socialist system you will neatly side-step the misery of standard state (non)provision of healthcare and instead will enjoy the service provided to the Nomenklatura.

The recession will also hasten the decline in the family as divorce and separation increase – this will break the stranglehold the family has had on revolutionary politics. The Tories scum may bang on about the family to keep the workers down and fuel their self interests but with family breakdown comes a chance for the urban street kids to get involved in building a new society.

That just seals it - bourgeois Leftie pus seeping from every pore. What a fucking nutter.

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