The BBC, suffering as it does from Institutional Stockholm Syndrome, is already beginning the long and sly process of
shifting blame for the Mumbai atrocities away from the people who actually carried it out, the terrorists (sorry millitants, sorry
activists) and onto the authorities, the police.
They have done it so successfully in Britain that now the Menezes case is more widely known and reported than the terrorist, sorry,
activist attacks of two weeks previously.
Note that by enclosing 'error' in scare quotes how they slyly insinuate that it may not been an error at all! Perhaps the police deliberately lured the guests to a point where the terrorists, sorry
activists would have no choice but for their guns to accidentally go off on their own accord and accidentally shoot them.
Three things characterise each and every terrorist atrocity the BBC 'covers':
The word 'terrorist'They never use the word terrorist, unless it is in a quote from a lunatic describing the actions of western governments. The BBC believes that using the 'T' word is not helpful in accurately describing the events. Even at Beslan, where the terrorists shot terrified children in the back of the head, they were described as militants, or on one notorious and appalling occasion,
activists. Activists go round pushing political literature through letter boxes at election time, they don't shoot children. The BBC, however, thinks it is clearer to label both groups of people with exactly the same word.
The 'M' or 'I' wordsThe BBC would rather die in a ditch with only a copy of the Daily Mail for company than mention the facts that everyone knows, that the terrorists who carried out the Mumbai attacks were Muslims, and that they did it in the name of Islam. Finding the words 'Muslim' or 'Islam' in BBC articles reporting terrorist, sorry
activist attacks is like winning the Lottery. Even the f*cking Guardian mentions it. The BBC, when it is forced to identify them, prefers the word 'Asians', which libels another approximately two billion Chinese, Indians, Japanese and other sundry nations in a casually racist slur, rather than point out the completely fucking obvious.
We are always to blameThe BBC will find someone, usually within the first two or three paragraphs, to blame us, Israel, the First Crusade, the Battle of Actium, whatever, instead of the people who are actually responsible. The BBC and the rest of the Left will laugh themselves into a hernia whenever someone supporting the right to bear arms says that "guns don't kill, people do", but mysteriously when the people holding the guns are Islamic terrorists, suddenly it becomes true. People aren't murdered by the terrorists, they 'die' during the attacks, as if they suffered a heart attack or something. This is particularly prevalent in the BBC's appalling coverage of Israel vs Hamas and sundry Islamists. Israel kills Palestinians; Israelis happen to die during Palestinian attacks.
Incredibly, the BBC is still considered a trusted news source by the bovine herd which characterises the British population. This is partly down to the cunning and skill with which the BBC presents their bias, but mostly it is down to the fact that the average Briton doesn't have a clue what is going on in the world and doesn't realise he/she is being spoonfed poison every day of their lives.